Press Release

The Importance of Backflow Testing for Homeowners
Saturday, October 9th, 9:00 AM
Certified Backflow Technicians from Calhoun, GA Give Advice on Why Homeowners Should Test Their Backflow

Calhoun, United States - October 8, 2021 /Locklear Plumbing/

Backflow: Homeowner Questions Answered

Many homeowners may have never heard of the term backflow before. In fact, it is a subject that seemingly enough would be expertly known by expert plumbers and not the average homeowner. Some questions regarding backflow can include: what is backflow, why does it need to be certified, and can anyone perform backflow testing and certification.

Backflow testing is typically done once a year. Although backflow testing may not seem important, the reasons behind it are actually life-saving. This test is done by certified technicians to gauge the safety of a home’s potable drinking and bathing water. 

What Is Backflow?

Backflow is literally the flowing back of used or contaminated waste water. This can be waste and water contaminants from the surface from things like pesticides or a busted sewer line. Backflow occurs when the backflow device or devices (typically a valve or valves) in a plumbing system no longer function appropriately by blocking the piping to prevent the possibility of flow back. 

Many issues with backflow for a home arise from using household like garden hoses, having a water well, being connected to a utility supply, using a lawn sprinkler system, recycling a home’s gray water, or even filling a swimming pool. Unfortunately, no one can know when backflow has, is, or was occurring without tests, which is why having these certified backflow tests are so important. 

Why Does Backflow Testing Need To Be Certified?backflow

Backflow testing is so important that some cities and municipalities throughout the United States have made it a mandate to have water checked annually by homeowners. This is because the dangers of a contaminated water supply have been known to cause epidemics throughout history. 

Many day-to-day things can cause an interruption and change regarding water systems and cause backflow. These situations can be anything from nature bringing an all too heavy rainstorm to construction taking place nearby to a main water line breaking elsewhere in the city. When the water coming into the home is no longer clear but brownish, reddish, yellow, or pink, with visible flakes of rust and sediment, then it is possible that the backflow prevention devices are no longer working.

Can Anyone Perform Backflow Testing and Certification?plumber

With so many dangers that can occur from having backflow or non-working backflow prevention devices, the person performing the test must be of utmost qualifications. It may seem like an unimportant task, but the risks are all too real. Contaminated drinking water can bring in diseases related to Hepatitis, Salmonella, and E. Coli. 

When backflow testing and certification are performed, it begins with a plumber going over all of a home’s plumbing system. Then a camera is utilized by going into the pipes to verify that each backflow prevention device is working correctly and efficiently (some homes may only have one valve that needs to be checked). 

During the test, certain standards must be met, including checks for gauge movement changes regarding water pressure, leaks, and other discrepancies. If a homeowner is experiencing slow and interrupted flows of water that smells like sulfur and tastes bad, then it is time to call a trusted backflow testing plumbing company. 

About Locklear Plumbing

Locklear Plumbing is a family-owned and operated company of over 20 years in the Calhoun, GA area. They provide emergency services, upfront pricing, backflow testing, and certification, plus much more. Call Locklear Plumbing today for any backflow testing and plumbing needs!

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Contact Information:

Locklear Plumbing

409 S Wall St
Calhoun, GA 30701
United States

Sabrina Locklear
(706) 403-3768

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