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Back to the Basics With Water Heaters Friday, August 13th, 10:15 PM
Plumbing Contractors in Stuart, FL Share the Basics of Water Heaters

Stuart, United States - August 13, 2021 / Allore's Plumbing Services LLC /

The Basic Fundamentals of Water Heaters

There are five types of basic water heaters, with most homeowners traditionally having either a gas or electric tank or tankless system. Besides traditional storage and on-demand style water heaters, there are heat pump water heaters, solar-powered water heaters, and condensing water heaters.

Water heaters work by bringing in cold water and using electricity or gas to heat the water by passing it through heating elements. Generally, a water heater will have a dip tube, heating element, anode rod, thermostat, heat-out pipe, and valves.  

Different Type of Water Heaterswater heater

Storage tank water heaters use electricity or gas consistently, come in various sizes from 20 to 80 gallons for most homes, and are modestly priced for installation or repair. There are two basic types of tank heaters: those that use electricity and those that use gas, the latter being more cost-efficient for homeowners. These water heaters can last over 10 years if properly maintained with yearly upkeep and cleaning of sediment buildup.

Tankless water heaters provide instantaneous on-demand hot and warm water. The water is heated as it passes through the pipes and past a heating element. Maintenance on these types of heaters is on an ‘as-needed basis and typically arises based on water hardness. These water heaters are more expensive than traditional water heaters but can save money in the long run due to the conservation of energy. When properly looked after and addressed for any issues, these units can last upwards of 20 years. 

5 Tips on Water Heater Maintenance 

These tips and tricks should help any homeowner looking to extend the lifespan of their water heater. Preventative maintenance can go a long way in improving performance, giving peace of mind, and keeping up-to-date with household appliance management.

  1. Getting the water heater tank flushed is an important task to be done by a professional yearly. Hard water can cause sediment buildup and prevent the heater from working properly by not working at maximum efficiency.
  2. A basic check of the pressure relief valve can go a long way in the sense of safety. If this valve were not to work, the water heater tank could explode due to increased pressure. Replacing this valve is not a huge ordeal, is easily down by a professional, and can save headaches from occurring later.
  3. Insulating the tank and the pipes is another way to keep a water heater lasting. This prevents heat from escaping allowing the water heater to work less hard, reducing energy consumption.
  4. Lowering the overall temperature of the heater can also assist in conserving the tank. This allows the tank not to stay as active trying to maintain higher temperatures that are normally unnecessary or impractical. 
  5. Getting a professional inspection is always a good call as a homeowner by allowing a skilled expert to check every part of what makes a water heater work.

Common Signs that a Water Heater Needs Repairwater heater

  • Pooling, puddling, leaks, or dripping
  • Age
  • Low water pressure 
  • Temperature of the water does not get hot enough or fluctuates 
  • The water is brown, dirty, or has sediment
  • Loud noises coming from the water heater

About Allore’s Plumbing Services LLC

For all your local plumbing needs, Allore’s Plumbing Services LLC is a family-owned and operated business that offers 24-hour emergency help, 100% satisfaction guaranteed, and experts in the field of commercial and residential plumbing. Contact them for reliable water heater service in Stuart, FL today! 

Contact Information:

Allore's Plumbing Services LLC

3085 SE Dixie Hwy
Stuart, FL 34997
United States

Thomas Allore
(772) 288-0998

Original Source: https://www.alloresplumbing.com/press-releases

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