Programming Spotlight
Journey into lives of two hard-working farm families to see the risks, rewards, and funny shenanigans that take place every day. From cat-fishing and watermelon smashing and pig chasing and go-cart racing—there is never a dull moment on these family farms. We’ll also get a modern look at the newest cutting-edge farming techniques that are revolutionizing the industry and providing a greener and more sustainable way to grow.
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“Green Acres” meets “Home Improvement” in this refreshing, informative unscripted lifestyle series depicting the hilarious adventures of a suburban family gone rural.
Each week on The Farmer’s Table by Pivot Bio Originals features an honest conversation about agriculture’s biggest issues: technology, policy, labor, etc. Nothing is off-limits.
RFD-TV has partnered with a handful of agricultural social media influencers whom we have dubbed The New Crop. These folks have taken to the internet to tell their stories and to raise awareness of where our food comes from and all that goes into feeding the world population.
RFD-TV’s newest music series, “On the Record,” presented by John Deere, takes viewers on a journey through the heart of country music. Hosted by renowned broadcaster, Suzanne Alexander, the show features long-form interviews with today’s biggest artists and the veterans who inspired them. “On the Record” also gives viewers a front row seat to intimate performances and exclusive music video releases, highlighting the broad scope of Nashville’s talent.
SharkFarmer TV is the brainchild of Rob Sharkey, a 5th-generation farmer from Illinois. He shares the stories of incredible people in agriculture—both their successes and perhaps a few blunders along the way. You’ll see aerial footage of the field just as the drone crashes into a barn—and hear the story behind it all.