Press Release

Does the Air Conditioner Need To Be Replaced? Find Out Before Summer!
Friday, May 21st, 4:00 PM
Pittsburgh HVAC Specialists Share Signs Showing It’s Time to Replace the AC

Bridgeville, United States - May 21, 2021 /Gillece Services/

3 Signs That AC Replacement Is Necessary ASAP

A new air conditioning system? The thought makes most homeowners cringe, and their wallets quiver in fear. Air conditioning isn’t an inexpensive piece of machinery, but it is entirely necessary during those long hot days of summer. Because of the cost, it makes sense that a homeowner wants to be picky about when they replace a unit. The good news is, there are several ways for homeowners to diagnose if AC replacement might be on the horizon. 

Old Age

Time stops for no man or machine, that includes air conditioners. Old age starts to wear on an air conditioner, and once old age strikes, repairs can only patch up the damage for so long. But how old is too old for an air conditioner? 

That answer depends mainly on the air conditioner itself and the care that has previously gone into caring for it. Ten years is the standard age of retirement for an air conditioner, though a couple more years can be squeezed out if regular maintenance and repairs were made throughout the unit’s lifetime. 

If there’s a question of the unit’s age, homeowners can have an HVAC specialist check what kind of coolant the unit is using. If it’s R-22 Freon, consider the unit an antique. The United States government has phased out R-22 Freon as of January 1st, 2020. Any system running on R-22 will need replacing sooner rather than later.

Inefficiency and Increased Cost

billTwo things make a homeowner’s wallet hurt more than a new air conditioner: low SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating and increased energy costs. Inefficiency naturally comes with lower SEER ratings, and older units work harder to keep the house cooler than newer ones. New air conditioners require a SEER of at least 14.

The other downside of an aging, inefficient unit? They require more repairs. Frequent repairs add up, and the more fixes a machine goes through, the less efficient and more costly it will be to run. 

Additionally, lower SEER ratings or air conditioners with too-low of a SEER for the home’s demands operate inefficiently. That inefficiency translates to increased energy costs and higher electricity bills for the home. A qualified HVAC specialist can inspect the existing unit and determine if the SEER rating is too low for the home’s needs. 

Hot House

hot at home

It’s probably a no-brainer, but a house staying hot even with the air conditioning on full-blast is a sure sign that the air conditioner needs replacing. It’s a great idea to run the air conditioner before the hot days of summer arrive to see if it can cool the house down. If the home stays the same temperature or continues to heat up with the air running, call an HVAC specialist. 

There is a chance that an HVAC technician can make repairs, or the refrigerant may need topping off. Or, the air conditioner may simply be unable to keep up with the demands of the home. The heating troubles may be due to too-small of a unit or a failing unit. Either way, only a qualified HVAC specialist will identify the source and solution of the issue itself. 

If a busted air conditioner is suspected, contact a local HVAC expert right away to take care of it. When summer comes around, it may be hard to get someone out to the house when everyone else discovers their unit to be damaged.  

About Gillece Services

For over 40 years, Gillece Services has been solving Pittsburgh’s HVAC problems. Their experts know the importance of a comfortable home in hot and cold weather. They offer comprehensive service packages, membership plans, and financing options to suit any budget. Contact them today to schedule an AC replacement in Pittsburgh, PA.

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Contact Information:

Gillece Services

3000 Washington Pike
Bridgeville, PA 15017
United States

Gillece Services
(412) 838-3834

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