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This New Year's Eve, Resolve To Change Bad HVAC Habits! Wednesday, January 20th, 1:25 AM
HVAC Pros in Berkley, CA Explain Why HVAC Habits Deserve a Resolution

Berkeley, United States - January 19, 2021 / Albert Nahman Services /

HVAC Mistakes Every Homeowner Makes

Bringing the new year vibe into the home can brighten up the next 365 days of the year. Bad HVAC habits are easily formed and often overlooked. Applying good habits to the home's heater and air conditioning can save a savvy homeowner money and increase the home's comfort. If that's not a reason to make good HVAC habits a resolution, what is?

But what exactly are the mistakes homeowners make with their HVAC system? How does a homeowner fix them? Keep reading to find out!

Mistake #1 - Choosing the Wrong Air Filter

Installing the incorrect type of air filter is a surefire way to wreck the home's air quality. It's common for homeowners to purchase the wrong size or type of air filter for their home. This puts excessive wear on the home's filtration system and can lead to serious trouble.

Too small of a filter allows dust to more easily clog on the filter as it struggles to keep up with demands, and ultimately increasing the electric bill. Over time, the buildup of dust will reduce the furnace efficiency and result in serious wear and tear.

Purchasing the wrong thickness of a filter can lead to the same problems as the wrong size of the filter. Homes with children, pets, or smokers should use thicker filters that sit around 2 inches in thickness if their system accommodates the size. 

How does a homeowner know which filter to buy? That's an excellent question. The mistake of purchasing too large of a filter is easily noticed - it won't fit in place. The best way to determine the size of the furnace's filter is to refer to the owner's manual of the furnace. If that is unavailable, measure the existing filter's length, width, and thickness in inches before heading to the store. Or, to be extra certain the right filter is installed, have a professional do it during an annual furnace inspection and maintenance appointment. 

Mistake #2 - Neglecting Maintenance 

Remembering to schedule HVAC maintenance doesn't always happen. Life gets busy, and the ductwork, furnace, and air conditioning units of a home can fall prey to the "out of sight, out of mind mentality," but this is, unfortunately, a surefire way to send the HVAC system into disrepair. 


The HVAC of a system should be inspected and given any needed maintenance every year. The air conditioner may need more coolant, the furnace likely needs a good dusting, and the ducts could probably use a cleanup too. These are just some of the services a quality HVAC company will provide during a yearly inspection and tune-up of the home's HVAC system.

Missing or neglecting maintenance puts the HVAC system of a home at risk for damage and failure. Dust buildup, loose parts, and leaks are often missed by the homeowner but can be easily caught by a good HVAC technician. If caught early, homeowners can save the system from damage or failure.

Resolving to schedule an HVAC inspection and tune-up in the New Year can set the HVAC system up for success for the coming year. 

Mistake #3 - Choosing DIY Over Professional Service

hvac technician

Everyone wants to save a buck - homes can be expensive! But, skimping on the HVAC system isn't the best way to apply the "Do It Yourself" mentality. HVAC systems are intricate, with plenty of electrical components and dangerous chemicals at play that can put a DIYer at risk of injury.

Attempting to save money by trying to fix these issues without training can damage the HVAC system, resulting in a project that needs to be fixed by a professional that is far more costly than the original service would have been. Additionally, HVAC companies must be licensed and certified to make repairs and installations up to building code. DIY solutions rarely comply with such building codes.

Correcting these simple mistakes by sticking to an HVAC resolution is one way to improve this New Year. An expert HVAC company can help any homeowner looking to improve their HVAC habits. 

Trust a Local Expert

The friendly team at Albert Nahman Services has been providing peace of mind and excellent HVAC service to the people of Berkley, CA for over 30 years. Their expert technicians care about their clients and strive to provide only the best service and results at every appointment. From regular HVAC maintenance to HVAC emergency service, Albert Nahman Services is there to help.

Contact Information:

Albert Nahman Services

3333 Martin Luther King Jr Way
Berkeley, CA 94703
United States

Albert Nahman
(510) 843-6904

Original Source: https://www.albertnahmanplumbing.com/press-releases

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