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Spooky Heaters in the Night Tuesday, October 13th, 3:55 AM
Belleville, NJ Furnace Repair Experts Diagnose Common Noise Issues

Belleville, United States - October 12, 2020 / All Clear Plumbing /

Spooky Sounds Coming From the Furnace

Some surprises are good, like a surprise birthday party or an unexpected gift. But other surprises can turn into quite a nightmare, like unusual sounds that suddenly start coming from the heater. Heater problems are never fun to deal with, but they should be handled as soon as possible to prevent any damage from getting worse. 

Spooky heater noises are often a sign that a heater problem is taking hold and needs to be resolved. Homeowners should always be aware of these sounds and learn to recognize them so they know when something wrong is happening. 

Scraping and Grinding Sounds

One of the most common spooky sounds that a heater can make is scraping or grinding noises. This typically suggests that there’s a problem with the blower wheel. It may be that the blower is old and needs replacement. But if the blower hasn’t reached the end of its lifespan, it may be failing because of poor maintenance. 

Either way, this problem needs to be resolved, or the heater won’t function properly. The blower is responsible for sending the conditioned air to the rest of the home. Therefore, if the blower is malfunctioning, warm air can’t flow through the home.

Banging Sounds

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Banging noises are another common sound that signals something is wrong with the heater. It typically is a sign that there is an air duct issue. This is especially common in the fall, as temperatures fluctuate frequently. When the temperature changes frequently in the house, it can cause the duct walls to move and results in banging sounds.

If the house uses a gas furnace, it could also be a sign of a dirty gas burner. When dirt starts to collect and build up in burners, it can delay the ignition. As a result, the gas will start to build up as well. When the burners finally ignite, the gas buildup will result in a loud banging sound. 

Screeching Sounds

When someone hears screeching sounds inside their home, it’s often a sign of a heater problem. Screeching noises may suggest an issue with the blower motor, blower belt, or shaft bearings. The blower requires proper oiling and lubrication. If this maintenance task is not kept up, it can lead to failure of the blower or its components. 

holding a microphone

It’s critical for homeowners to pay attention to these noises, especially when using the heater as the seasons’ change. It can help them to identify problems with the heating system and fix them before they lead to larger issues when the weather gets colder. 

About All Clear Plumbing

All Clear Plumbing has been a local, family-owned and operated plumbing and heating business proudly serving Belleville, NJ since 1952. Homeowners know them for their attention to detail and friendly customer service. Their goal is to always provide area property owners with the expert, reliable furnace services they need – and fast.

Contact Information:

All Clear Plumbing

54 Greylock Ave
Belleville, NJ 07109
United States

Ivan Gonzalez
(973) 450-8660

Original Source: https://www.allclearnj.com/press-releases

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