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Save Money This Winter on Heating With These Helpful Tips Tuesday, January 28th, 9:00 PM
Belleville Plumbing and Heating Professionals Share Habits to Save Money

Belleville, United States - January 22, 2020 / All Clear Plumbing /

Essential Tips for Saving on Heating Costs

Most homeowners notice an increase in their heating and electric bills during the colder months of the year. A lot of times, this is due to the constant running of the heater or furnace. While homeowners can’t change the temperature outside, they can do their best to change their habits to save money and energy as they start to plummet. This article will cover some essential tips for lowering your heating costs without sacrificing performance or comfort!

Ensure Your Home is Airtight

One of the best ways that homeowners can change their habits to save money is by focusing on making the home airtight. Reducing the ability of outside air to enter the home and change the temperature, as well as making sure none of the air that they are paying good money to keep temperature-controlled leaves, can save a lot of money.

make home airtightThere are multiple ways that homeowners can go about this.
  • Weatherstripping the doors and windows
  • Caulk cracks
  • Spray foam gaps
  • Insulate light switches, electrical outlets, and recessed lighting

Homeowners can also do a home energy audit. This can be done by contacting their local utility company, which often pays for the majority of the costs associated with performing on. They can also call their local plumbing and heating company. Either way, the homeowner will be provided with a list of issues and other changes they can make to their habits to save money and energy.

Keep Up with Heating Maintenance

Another one of the best habits to save money and energy is by keeping the home heating system clean. This is especially important when it comes to proper management and replacement of the air filter.

A dirty air filter actually works against the effective flow of air in the home. When it is clogged, the air just continues to recirculate around the home. Not only does this increase energy costs, but it also can make allergy and asthma problems worse.

clean heating system

Another way to keep the heating system clean is by paying attention to vents and registers. If these get clogged with dust, they won’t be able to pull air into the HVAC system efficiently which makes the system work harder.

These habits to save money are easy and quick to perform and can lower the utility bill as well as preventing health problems for everyone in the home by keeping your home's air clean.

Get Old Parts Replaced

hvac old parts When seeking to change up HVAC habits to save money, homeowners should look at the age of their HVAC system’s parts. Parts that are too old can actually cost money to operate, as they often work harder and require more energy.

In some cases, there are even grants, rebates, and tax incentives for homeowners who want to upgrade their HVAC systems to one that is more environmentally friendly. Some estimates have said that upgrading parts or a new system can save as much as 20% on the home’s utility bills, which can equal about a thousand dollars a year.

Over time, having a new and normally functioning system ends up saving a tremendous amount of money… not only in energy costs but also in the lack of money needing to be spent on emergency repairs.

Your HVAC Experts

All Clear Plumbing is a plumbing and heating company located in Belleville, New Jersey. They offer flat-rate pricing for their maintenance, repair, and emergency services and perform drain cleaning, sewer line repair, heater and furnace repair, and other boiler services.

Contact Information:

All Clear Plumbing

54 Greylock Ave
Belleville, NJ 07109
United States

Ivan Gonzalez
(973) 450-8660

Original Source: https://www.allclearnj.com/press-releases

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