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Finding The Right Thermostat Temperature Settings Per Season Saturday, November 23rd, 6:00 PM
Helpful Tips About Thermostat Settings From HVAC Techs in Berkeley

Berkeley, United States - November 23, 2019 / Albert Nahman Services /

Help With The Perfect Thermostat Setting For All Seasons

You want to be comfortable in your home year-round. On the coldest days, it feels great to walk into a cozy house. Similarly, when you come in from a hot summer day, few things are more refreshing than a cool and comfortable home. But in addition to being comfortable, you also want to use your cooling and heating unit efficiently. Doing so will help to significantly reduce your utility bill and will help to extend the life of your unit.

With those goals in mind, it’s important to be thoughtful about your thermostat settings and to adjust it from season-to-season. Here are some tips to help you find the perfect setting in every season.

Setting the Thermostat for Cold Months

During the cold days of fall and winter, it can be tempting to really crank up the thermostat. However, it’s a good idea to keep the temperature at a steady 70 degrees. This temperature will make sure that you stay comfortable without overworking your unit.

cold months

Keeping it any warmer than this, especially on really cold days, can lead to inflated utility bills and an overworked HVAC system. If you’re really wanting some extra warmth on a cold night, turn to a fire or a cozy blanket, but keep the thermostat at a comfortable 70 degrees.

Adjusting for Warm Months

warm monthsWhile it can be tempting to keep your house really cold to provide some extra comfort during the summer, this is bad for your unit and your budget.

Instead, during the hotter months of spring and summer, adjust your thermostat up to 78 degrees. This temperature is comfortably within the room temperature scale and will keep your home feeling cool throughout the summer.

On really hot days when you’re wanting to be a little cooler, try using a ceiling fan or drinking a cold glass of water. These are easy and efficient ways to cool off without overworking your air conditioning.

Setting the Thermostat for an Empty Houses

These recommended temperatures take a few factors in mind. First, they assume that your house remains empty during the day. Rather than adjusting the temperature up and down as you come and go, it’s best to simply set it at an average temperature and keep it there throughout the season.

Constantly adjusting it up and down puts more strain on your unit. Second, adjusting the thermostat based on the seasons helps you and your family as you transition indoors and outdoors. For example, keeping your home warmer in the summer makes it easier to adapt to the hot weather outdoors.

empty house

To maximize your unit’s efficiency, it’s a good idea to find the right temperature for each season. If you have concerns about how your heating and cooling unit is working or questions about using it efficiently, it’s always a good idea to contact a local HVAC professional.

Need Help, Call Albert Nahman Services

Albert Nahman Services is a family-owned business that has been serving the Berkeley community for over 30 years. Focused on their customer’s time, safety and property, they work to timely resolve all of their client’s plumbing and HVAC needs as quickly and affordably as possible.

Contact Information:

Albert Nahman Services

3333 Martin Luther King Jr Way
Berkeley, CA 94703
United States

Albert Nahman
(510) 843-6904

Original Source: https://www.albertnahmanplumbing.com/press-releases

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