Jousline Savra, LMFT In Roswell, GA Addresses The Top 7 Challenges In A Marriage

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Roswell, GA Marriage And Family Therapist Discusses Navigating the Top 7 Challenges in Marriage

Roswell, United States - January 12, 2024 / Jousline Savra, LMFT /

Jousline Savra, LMFT Address The Top 7 Challenges In A Marriage And How To Overcome Them

Have you ever wondered why marriage, while incredibly rewarding, can also present its fair share of challenges? In all its beauty, marriage requires continuous effort and a profound commitment to overcome hurdles together. 

But what challenges do couples frequently encounter, and how can they navigate them successfully? This article will explore the top challenges that couples commonly face in their marriage.

  • Infidelity 

Infidelity, one of the most profound challenges a marriage can face, often shakes the very foundation of trust in a relationship. It occurs when one or both partners engage in romantic or sexual involvement with someone outside of the marriage. 

The discovery of infidelity can lead to intense emotional pain, anger, and a sense of betrayal. However, it's essential to remember that, even in the face of infidelity, marriages can heal and rebuild.

How to overcome it

Coping with infidelity requires open and honest communication between partners. The unfaithful partner needs to take responsibility for their actions, express remorse, and actively work to rebuild trust. 

On the other hand, the betrayed partner must be willing to consider forgiveness and work towards healing. 

Many couples find that professional marriage counseling can be immensely beneficial in addressing the underlying issues that contributed to the infidelity and in rebuilding the emotional connection within the marriage.

  • Financial challenges 

Financial issues can place significant strain on a marriage. Disagreements about spending habits, financial goals, debt, or income disparities are common sources of conflict. 

Money problems can trigger stress, frustration, and insecurity, potentially leading to arguments that strain the relationship.

How to overcome it 

Here are some ways to overcome financial challenges in a marriage:

  • Open communication: Foster open and honest communication about your financial situation. Discuss your financial goals, expectations, and concerns regularly with one another. 
  • Create a budget: Develop a joint budget that outlines your income, expenses, and savings goals. Be sure to allocate funds for both necessities and discretionary spending for each partner that you can agree on.
  • Set financial goals: Whether it's saving for a major purchase, reducing debt, or planning for retirement, having shared objectives can strengthen your financial partnership.
  • Seek professional help: You can consult a financial advisor or marriage counselor. They can help you create a financial plan and provide insights into investments, retirement planning, and debt reduction.
  • Debt management: Address any existing debts collaboratively. Create a strategy to pay off debts, prioritize high-interest debts, and avoid accumulating new ones.

Remember that addressing financial challenges is an opportunity for growth and collaboration within the marriage.

  • Fertility issues 

Fertility challenges can be emotionally and psychologically taxing for couples who are trying to conceive. 

When faced with difficulties in getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term, couples may experience feelings of disappointment, frustration, and sadness. These challenges can strain the emotional connection between partners and lead to a sense of hopelessness.

Overcoming fertility issues

Coping with fertility problems is a delicate journey that demands patience and mutual support. It's crucial to approach these challenges as a team:

  • Seek professional help: Consult with a fertility specialist or reproductive endocrinologist to identify the root causes of the fertility issues and explore potential treatments.
  • Open dialogue: Maintain open and honest communication about your feelings, fears, and hopes regarding fertility. 
  • Support systems: Engage with support networks, including support groups, family, and friends, who can provide emotional support and empathy during this challenging time.
  • Counseling: Consider marriage counseling or therapy to navigate the emotional complexities of fertility issues.
  • Time and patience: Understand that overcoming fertility challenges may take time. Patience and perseverance are vital.

Remember that fertility issues do not define the worth of your relationship or your ability to be loving and supportive partners. 

By facing these challenges together and seeking professional assistance when needed, many couples can find a path toward parenthood or alternative sources of fulfillment and happiness.

  • Poor communication 

Ineffective or poor communication is an underlying challenge in many marriages. When communication breaks down, misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and unresolved conflicts can accumulate, eroding the emotional connection between partners. It can lead to frustration, loneliness, and a lack of emotional intimacy.

Overcoming poor communication

Improving communication in a marriage is a transformative journey that enhances understanding, emotional connection, and overall relationship quality. 

Here are strategies to overcome poor communication:

  • Active listening: Develop active listening skills, which involve giving your partner your full attention and demonstrating empathy during conversations.
  • Use "I" statements: Frame your concerns or feelings using "I" statements to express your emotions and needs more effectively without blaming your partner.
  • Avoid defensiveness: Refrain from becoming defensive during disagreements. Instead, focus on understanding your partner's perspective and working towards resolution.
  • Couples counseling: Work with a professional therapist who can guide you in improving your communication skills and resolving underlying issues.
  • Validation: Try to validate your partner's feelings and experiences, even if you don't fully agree. 

Understand that effective communication is a learned skill, which can take time and effort to develop and maintain. 

  • Excessive jealousy

Excessive jealousy in a marriage can pose a significant challenge. It may stem from insecurity, past experiences, or relationship dynamics, eroding trust and leading to conflicts. 

Jealousy can manifest as suspicion, possessiveness, or controlling behavior, making one or both partners feel trapped and anxious.

How to solve this

It's crucial for both individuals to feel safe discussing their feelings without judgment. By identifying the specific triggers of jealousy and understanding the root causes, couples can work together to establish clear boundaries that respect both partners' needs and comfort levels. 

Additionally, self-esteem building and self-reflection can help address underlying insecurities. Rebuilding trust through transparency and reliability, and seeking professional help if necessary can further aid in managing jealousy. 

Cultivating empathy and understanding each other's perspectives will reduce jealousy's negative impact and create a more secure and harmonious relationship.

  • Trauma 

Trauma, whether related to past experiences or recent events, can profoundly impact a marriage. It can encompass a ton of experiences, from childhood trauma to traumatic incidents like accidents, loss of a loved one, or acts of violence. 

These experiences can lead to emotional distress, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and may affect the emotional connection and overall dynamics of a marriage.

Overcoming trauma

Dealing with trauma in a marriage is a sensitive and complex process. 

Here are some strategies to navigate this challenge:

  • Seek professional help: If the trauma is significant and causing distress, it's essential to seek professional therapy, both individual and possibly couples therapy. 
  • Therapeutic techniques: Encourage trauma survivors to explore therapeutic techniques, such as EMDR or cognitive-behavioral therapy to process and heal from their traumatic experiences.
  • Self-care: Both partners should prioritize self-care to manage the emotional toll of supporting a trauma survivor. 
  • Couples counseling: Consider couples counseling to address the impact of trauma on the marriage. 
  • Educate yourself: Educate yourself about the effects of trauma and how it can manifest in behavior and emotions. 

Note that healing from trauma is an ongoing process that may require time, therapy, and understanding. 

  • Different values and beliefs 

When couples find themselves holding different values and beliefs, it can initially appear as a daunting challenge. However, this situation can be seen as an opportunity for growth and understanding. 

How to solve it 

To address this challenge, open and empathetic communication is key. Partners should actively listen to each other, seeking to understand the primary reasons behind their beliefs. 

By engaging in respectful discussions, couples can explore their differences and find areas of common ground. These conversations can foster a sense of respect and acceptance, allowing partners to appreciate each other's individuality. 

It's important to remember that relationships often thrive when they are built on a foundation of mutual respect, even though partners may harbor differing values. 

Moreover, diverse values and beliefs within a marriage can be an enriching experience. It provides the chance for personal growth and learning from one another. 

While finding common ground is valuable, embracing the uniqueness of each partner's perspective can lead to a more profound connection. 


In every marriage, challenges are bound to arise, from differences in values and beliefs to life's inevitable transitions. When approached with open communication, empathy, and mutual support, these hurdles can be transformative opportunities for growth and understanding. 

However, there is help for you to navigate these challenges and build a resilient, thriving marriage. Jousline specializes in strengthening relationships and providing just the guidance you NEED to overcome obstacles. 

If you're ready to fortify your bond and emerge from challenges stronger than ever, reach out to Jousline Savra today. She is committed to offering the best services to support your journey to a happier, more fulfilling marriage.

Contact Information:

Jousline Savra, LMFT

1014 Canton Street
Roswell, GA 30075
United States

Jousline Savra
(626) 433-3051

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