Experienced Electricians in Sun Prairie, WI, Share Tips to Avoid Power Surges this Holiday Season.

Sun Prairie, United States - December 21, 2023 / Cardinal Heating & Air Conditioning /

As the holiday season approaches in Southeast Wisconsin, our homes glow with festive lights and cheer. However, this increase in electrical demand can lead to power surges. Let's explore how to keep your home safe and bright this winter.

Understanding Power Surges: Unlike power outages that plunge homes into darkness, power surges are sudden spikes in voltage that can damage your electronic devices and appliances. From phone chargers to refrigerators, these surges can harm essential household items.

dangers of power surgesThe Risks of Winter Power Surges: Increased electrical usage during the holidays, combined with Wisconsin's cold weather, heightens the risk of power surges. These unexpected voltage increases can be harmful to both your electronic devices and your family's safety. Overheating appliances and melting wires can even lead to household fires, a risk that’s all too real, with over 50,000 electrical fires occurring annually in homes.

Safeguarding With Surge Protectors: Whole house surge protectors offer a reliable solution. They detect and manage voltage irregularities, protecting your entire home from transient voltage that can arise from various sources. On the other hand, power strips, while convenient for expanding outlet capacity, are not a safe solution for handling multiple high-energy appliances and can lead to overloading and potential fire hazards.

whole house surge protectorRegular Maintenance Is Key: Just like any protective equipment, surge protectors need regular check-ups. After 3 to 5 years, or if you notice any warning signs like warm cords, color changes, or burning smells, it’s time to replace them. Regular monitoring can prevent potential dangers and ensure continuous protection.

Cardinal Heating & Air Conditioning: Your Trusted Partner: At Cardinal Heating & Air Conditioning, we bring over 35 years of experience in electrical services. Our team of expert electricians is ready to ensure your home remains safe and joyous this holiday season. From installing whole-house surge protectors to conducting safety inspections, we’re here to help.

Stay safe and enjoy the holidays without worry. Protect your home from power surges with the right precautions and professional support from Cardinal Heating & Air Conditioning.

For peace of mind this holiday season, contact Cardinal Heating & Air Conditioning. Let us handle your electrical needs so you can focus on celebrating with loved ones. Learn more about the author here.

Contact Information:

Cardinal Heating & Air Conditioning

3361 Brooks Dr.
Sun Prairie, WI 53590
United States

Cardinal Heating & Air Conditioning Team
(608) 837-9367

Original Source: https://www.cardinalhvac.com/press-releases

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