Understanding the Wall Cracks of Foundation: Causes, Types, and Remedies

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Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 1:00pm UTC

The foundation of any structure is its backbone, providing stability and support for the entire building.

Macedonia, United States - November 1, 2023 / StablWall /

Understanding the Wall Cracks of Foundation: Causes, Types, and Remedies

The foundation of any structure is its backbone, providing stability and support for the entire building. However, over time, foundations can develop issues, and one of the most common foundation problems is wall cracks. These cracks can be alarming, but understanding their causes, types, and remedies is crucial for homeowners and property managers. In this article, we will explore the world of foundation wall cracks and how to manage them effectively.

The Causes of Foundation Wall Cracks


  • Natural Settlement: Over time, all buildings settle to some extent. The weight of the structure causes the foundation to compress the soil beneath it. This gradual settling is typically uniform and results in minor, vertical cracks.
  • Uneven Settlement: In some cases, the settlement is not uniform, leading to differential movement in different parts of the foundation. This uneven settling can cause more noticeable and wider cracks in the walls.

Water Damage:

  • Hydrostatic Pressure: Water is a powerful force that can exert pressure on foundation walls. When the soil around the foundation becomes oversaturated due to heavy rain or poor drainage, it can push against the walls, leading to horizontal cracks.
  • Freeze-Thaw Cycles: In regions with cold winters, water that seeps into the soil around the foundation can freeze during winter and expand. As the ice thaws in the spring, it contracts, exerting pressure on the foundation walls and causing cracks.

Poor Construction:

  • Inadequate Footings: Foundations with shallow or inadequately sized footings are more susceptible to cracking. This is a result of the inability to distribute the weight of the structure evenly.
  • Subpar Materials: The use of low-quality construction materials can weaken the foundation and make it more prone to cracking. Substandard concrete, for instance, is more likely to develop cracks over time.

Tree Roots:

  • Soil Displacement: The roots of trees and large shrubs can grow beneath the foundation, causing soil displacement. As the soil shifts, it can lead to the development of foundation wall cracks. Trees with invasive root systems are particularly problematic.

External Pressure:

  • Lateral Soil Pressure: Expansive soils or clay soils can exert significant lateral pressure on foundation walls. This pressure can cause horizontal or stair-step cracks, especially in basement walls.
  • Heavy Construction Nearby: If heavy construction or excavation occurs near your property, it can disrupt the stability of the soil and lead to shifts in the foundation, resulting in cracks.

Environmental Factors:

  • Earthquakes: In regions prone to seismic activity, earthquakes can cause substantial stress on a building’s foundation, leading to various types of cracks.
  • Soil Erosion: Erosion can weaken the soil surrounding the foundation, leaving it more vulnerable to settlement and pressure-induced cracking.

Understanding the causes of foundation wall cracks is crucial for implementing the appropriate remedies and preventive measures. Regular inspections, proper drainage systems, and seeking professional guidance when necessary can help homeowners and property managers maintain a solid foundation and a structurally sound building.

Types of Foundation Wall Cracks

Vertical Cracks:

Description: Vertical cracks are one of the most common types of vertical foundation cracks. They typically run straight up and down or at a slight angle.

Causes: These cracks often result from natural settlement or minor shifts in the foundation. While they may appear alarming, they are generally less severe than other types of cracks.

Severity: Vertical cracks are usually less of a concern. However, it’s essential to monitor them for any signs of widening or further damage.

Horizontal Cracks:

Description: Horizontal cracks are more serious than vertical cracks as they typically run parallel to the ground. They may extend across the entire width of a wall.

Causes: These cracks are often indicative of external pressure due to soil expansion, hydrostatic pressure from water, or frost heaving. They can be a sign of significant structural issues.

Severity: Horizontal cracks are a cause for immediate concern. They can compromise the structural integrity of the building and may lead to water infiltration.

Stair-Step Cracks:

Description: Stair-step cracks follow a diagonal pattern, resembling a flight of stairs. They are commonly seen in masonry walls, such as brick or stone.

Causes: Stair-step cracks may result from foundation settling issues or soil movement. They often indicate more significant structural problems.

Severity: These cracks are moderate to severe, and they require prompt attention. They can lead to structural instability and should not be ignored.

Bulging or Bowing Walls:

Description: Instead of conventional cracks, bulging or bowing walls appear as a noticeable inward or outward curvature of the foundation wall.

Causes: These issues typically result from extreme external pressure on cracked foundation. This pressure can be exerted by expansive soil, tree roots, or a high water table, causing the walls to deform.

Severity: Bulging or bowing walls are a severe concern, as they can lead to structural failure and water infiltration. Immediate professional intervention is necessary.

Shear Cracks:

Description: Shear cracks are typically diagonal or at a 45-degree angle to the horizontal and vertical. They often appear in poured concrete walls and are more common in regions prone to seismic activity.

Causes: Seismic forces, ground movement, or soil expansion can lead to shear cracks. They are a concern in earthquake-prone areas.

Severity: Shear cracks can be a significant structural issue, particularly in areas susceptible to earthquakes. They should be evaluated and repaired by professionals.

Non-Structural Cracks:

Description: Non-structural cracks are typically hairline cracks that don’t affect the foundation problem overall stability of the foundation. They are often caused by surface shrinkage of concrete or minor settling.

Causes: These cracks are usually a result of the natural curing process of the concrete slab or minor surface movements.

Severity: Non-structural cracks are generally not a structural concern. They may, however, lead to water penetration and should be sealed to prevent further damage.

Understanding the types of foundation wall cracks and their respective causes and severities is essential for determining the appropriate course of action. In many cases, professional inspection and repair are necessary, especially for horizontal, stair-step, or bulging cracks, which indicate significant structural issues. Regular maintenance and addressing cracks promptly can help preserve the integrity of your building’s concrete foundation wall.

Remedies for Foundation Wall Cracks

Addressing foundation wall cracks promptly and effectively is essential to prevent further structural damage and maintain the integrity of your building. Here, we’ll delve deeper into various remedies for foundation wall cracks:

Foundation Repair:

Description: Professional foundation repair companies can assess the extent of the damage and provide tailored solutions. These may include reinforcing the foundation, filling cracks with epoxy or polyurethane injections, or installing support systems for structural foundation cracks like wall anchors or piers.

When to Use: Foundation repair is necessary for moderate to severe cracks in foundation below, such as horizontal or stair-step cracks, or when the foundation’s structural integrity is compromised. It is the most comprehensive solution to restore the foundation’s strength.


Description: Waterproofing is essential to prevent further damage caused by water infiltration. It involves applying waterproof coatings or sealants to the interior or exterior foundation walls to create a barrier against moisture.

When to Use: Waterproofing is crucial when cracks are associated with water damage. It helps prevent further erosion and structural deterioration caused by moisture.

Drainage Solutions:

Description: Improving drainage around your property is a preventive measure to manage water-related foundation issues. This includes ensuring that downspouts direct water away from the home’s foundation and maintaining proper grading to promote water flow away from the building.

When to Use: Implement drainage solutions when water-related issues are contributing to foundation cracks, especially in regions with poor drainage or high rainfall.

Tree Management:

Description: If tree roots are in diagonal foundation cracks causing soil displacement and, subsequently, foundation wall cracks, consult an arborist to manage or remove trees that pose a threat. Root barriers can also be installed to redirect roots away from the foundation.

When to Use: Tree management is essential when you’ve identified tree roots as a contributing factor to foundation issues. It is a preventive measure to avoid future damage.

Regular Inspections:

Description: Regular inspections by a professional foundation expert can help catch cracks early, preventing minor issues from becoming major structural problems. Periodic inspections can identify potential concerns before they escalate.

When to Use: Regular inspections should be part of your ongoing maintenance routine. Consider scheduling inspections annually or after significant environmental events like heavy rainfall or earthquakes.

Regrading and Soil Stabilization:

Description: Regarding involves altering the slope of the soil around the foundation to ensure proper water runoff. Soil stabilization can also be done to enhance soil strength and reduce foundation settlement further.

When to Use: Regrading and soil stabilization are preventive measures that can be implemented when poor drainage or soil issues are identified as potential causes of foundation cracks.

DIY Crack Sealing:

Description: For minor, non-structural cracks, homeowners can use commercially available epoxy or polyurethane crack repair kits. These are designed to fill and seal small cracks, preventing water penetration and further damage.

When to Use: DIY crack sealing is suitable for hairline cracks or minor cracks in non-load-bearing walls. However, it’s crucial to monitor the cracks for any signs of widening or structural issues.

It’s important to note that while DIY solutions may be suitable for minor issues, any cracks indicative of structural problems, especially horizontal, bulging, or stair-step cracks, should be assessed and addressed by a professional foundation crack repair company. Timely action and appropriate remedies will help maintain a stable and secure foundation, ensuring the long-term health of your building.

Safeguarding Your Foundation’s Integrity

Foundation wall cracks, although common, are issues that require careful consideration and prompt action. Understanding foundation wall crack, their causes, types, and appropriate remedies is paramount for homeowners and property managers. Your foundation’s stability and longevity are at stake, and the choices you make can significantly impact the structural integrity of your building.

The causes of foundation wall cracks are diverse, stemming from factors such as natural settling, water damage, poor construction, tree roots, external pressure, and environmental forces like earthquakes and soil erosion. Recognizing these causes is the first step in mitigating potential issues.

Equally important is understanding the types of foundation wall cracks. . Vertical crack cracks, while common, may not always be a cause for concern, but horizontal, stair-step, and bulging cracks are more serious and often indicative of structural problems. Identifying the type of crack and its severity is essential for informed decision-making.

To safeguard your foundation’s integrity, you have an array of remedies at your disposal:

  • Professional foundation repair can restore strength to a compromised foundation, addressing moderate to severe cracks.
  • Waterproofing is essential to combat water infiltration and erosion caused by moisture.
  • Drainage solutions help manage water-related issues by directing water away from the foundation.
  • Tree management and root barriers can prevent root-related damage in the future.
  • Regular inspections can catch issues early, preventing minor concerns from escalating.
  • Regrading and soil stabilization enhance drainage and soil strength as preventive measures.
  • DIY crack sealing is an option for minor, non-structural cracks in non-load-bearing walls.

However, it’s crucial to remember that for cracks indicative of significant structural issues, professional assistance is non-negotiable.


In conclusion, a strong and stable foundation is the cornerstone of any sound structure. By understanding the causes, types, and remedies for foundation wall cracks, you can ensure that your building remains secure and your investment well-protected. Do not hesitate to seek professional guidance when needed, as addressing these issues promptly can save you from costlier and more extensive repairs down the road. With the right knowledge and proactive measures to prevent foundation cracks, your foundation can stand strong for years to come.

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349 Highland Rd
Macedonia, OH 44056
United States

Nick DiCello
(866) 782-5955

Original Source: https://stablwall.com/press-media/