How Can Homeowners Prepare Their Heaters for the Fall?

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Monday, October 30, 2023 at 12:35pm UTC

HVAC contractors in Walla Walla, WA, offer tips for taking care of the heater this fall.

Walla Walla, United States - October 30, 2023 / Total Comfort Solutions /

Get the Heater Ready for Colder Weather 

The seasons are changing, temperatures are getting cooler, and as with every season, there are certain things that homeowners need to do to make sure their property is ready to handle another winter. During the winter, people spend most of their time nestled indoors where their heater or furnace can protect them from the frigid temperatures outside. Unfortunately, if the heater isn’t properly cared for, it can fail to perform this winter. 

Homeowners can do a few things to prevent a heating problem and repairs this winter. This article is a quick guide to help homeowners ensure their heater is ready and working efficiently for the coming seasons and their air quality stays high during the winter. By following this advice, homeowners can save money by preventing repairs and lowering energy bills.  

Schedule Heating Maintenance 

The first thing on a fall maintenance checklist for the home should be scheduling professional heater maintenance. Heating and cooling accounts for around 40% of utility bills, so ensuring that it runs as efficiently as possible with routine maintenance can save homeowners money. Maintenance can save even more money by leading to fewer future issues and repairs and extending the life of the heater. 

During a heating maintenance visit from a local professional, technicians do important things like: 

  • Lubricate moving parts
  • Replace worn belts
  • Look for damaged system components
  • Clean the burner
  • Check safety devices
  • Test the gas or electrical connections

By spending a little money on annual heater maintenance, homeowners can save by helping prevent major problems, extending their lifespan, and saving on energy costs. 

Change Air Filters 

air filterAnother thing that shouldn’t be neglected to care for the heater correctly is air filters. How often they should be replaced depends on their size and type, but it’s generally around every three months. Dirty air filters can have many negative effects, such as poor indoor air quality, inefficiency, and higher energy bills. 

Replacing air or furnace filters on time, on the other hand, improves the heater’s efficiency, reduces utility bills, helps protect the heater from overheating and other problems, and improves indoor air quality, which can help improve the health of those who live in the home.  

Keep Track of Utility Bills 

smart thermostatAs mentioned above, heaters use a massive amount of energy to keep the home warm during the winter, and heating and cooling account for a huge portion of utility bills. One of the significant benefits of monitoring energy usage is that homeowners can more easily spot trouble, as a spike in utility bills is a sign of heater trouble, allowing them to get it repaired before the heater faces worse consequences.

Aside from a sign indicating the need for heater repair, monitoring energy bills can also be used to see how homeowners can save. Adding weatherstripping around doors and windows and installing a smart thermostat are two ways to help reduce a home’s energy usage and save money, and keeping track of bills allows homeowners to see how much they are saving and what more can be done.

About Total Comfort Solutions

Total Comfort Solutions is a plumbing, heating, and AC company with 15 years of expertise serving Walla Walla and the surrounding areas. They offer HVAC emergency service, free installation estimates, and straightforward pricing. Call them today for heating maintenance in Walla Walla, WA

Contact Information:

Total Comfort Solutions

2904 Melrose St
Walla Walla, WA 99362
United States

Dani Hall
(509) 676-4215

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