Jousline Savra, Family & Marriage Therapist Discusses Family Origin

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Thursday, August 31, 2023 at 6:02am UTC

Roswell, GA Therapist Outlines How Family Origin Affects Relationships

Roswell, United States - August 31, 2023 / Jousline Savra, LMFT /

How Family Origin Affects  Relationships

Have you ever wondered how our family background can shape the relationships you are in? From the values and communication styles we inherit to the expectations we carry, our family of origin experiences play a significant role in shaping our love lives. 

It’s important to dive into the intriguing world of how family origin affects a relationship, examining the various aspects that come into play and offering insights into how understanding these influences can lead to healthier and more fulfilling connections.

What is the family of origin?

It refers to the family into which a person is born or raised. It includes one's parents or guardians and siblings or other relatives with whom one grows up. 

The family of origin forms the foundation of an individual's early experiences, values, beliefs, and behaviors. It encompasses the cultural, social, and emotional environment in which a person is nurtured and shaped during their formative years. 

It is often seen as a significant influence on an individual's development, including their relationships, attitudes, and life choices. 

What should you look for?

When examining the impact of family of origin on current relationships, several situations or experiences can play a significant role. 

Here are a few examples:

  • Chaotic environment

Growing up without structure or consistency can lead to difficulty in establishing stability and trust in partnerships. Individuals who experience a chaotic upbringing may struggle with setting boundaries, communicating effectively, and maintaining a sense of security. 

The lack of a stable foundation may also result in a constant need for excitement or change, making it challenging to sustain long-term relationships. 

  • Witnessing conflicts between parents 

This can shape an individual's approach to conflicts in their current relationship. If arguments between parents were frequent or intense during childhood, it might lead to a fear of conflict or an aversion to expressing emotions. 

Such experiences can result in difficulties in addressing relationship issues constructively, as individuals may have learned to avoid confrontation or resort to aggressive behaviors. 

It becomes crucial to cultivate open and effective communication strategies, learn how to express emotions, and address conflicts healthily and respectfully. 

  • Childhood trauma 

This has a profound influence on current relationships. Whether it is emotional or physical abuse, neglect, or the loss of a parent, these traumatic experiences can profoundly affect an individual's ability to form and maintain healthy connections. 

Survivors of childhood trauma may struggle with trust, intimacy, and vulnerability. They might have difficulty letting others in, fearing abandonment or betrayal. 

Healing from this often requires professional support, such as therapy, to address the emotional wounds and develop coping mechanisms that promote emotional well-being and healthier relationship dynamics.

  • Harsh or authoritarian parents 

Harsh parenting styles characterized by criticism, punishment, or excessive demands can result in low self-esteem, self-doubt, and a constant need for approval. 

Individuals may struggle to assert themselves, set boundaries, or express their needs and desires openly. Recognizing the influence of harsh parenting allows individuals to work on rebuilding self-esteem, practicing self-compassion, and developing assertiveness skills. 

Building a supportive and nurturing relationship requires unlearning negative self-beliefs and cultivating a sense of self-worth that fosters healthier dynamics and mutual respect.

Why is it essential to understand your family of origin issues?

It's fascinating to explore how this influences the dynamics and patterns within our partnerships. 

Understanding your family of origin issues is essential for several reasons:

Self-awareness: By exploring and understanding your family of origin issues, you gain self-awareness about how your upbringing has shaped your beliefs, behaviors, and relationship patterns. It allows you to recognize the potential impact of past experiences on your present choices and actions. 

Break harmful patterns: Family-of-origin issues can perpetuate harmful patterns in your current relationships. Whether it's repeating dysfunctional dynamics, struggling with trust and intimacy, or experiencing difficulty with communication, understanding your family of origin issues empowers you to break these patterns. 

Healing and forgiveness: It also provides an opportunity for healing and forgiveness and allows you to acknowledge any past hurts, traumas, or unresolved conflicts within your family and work towards finding closure. Healing from family-related wounds can contribute to your overall well-being and positively impact your current relationships.

Improved communication and empathy: When you recognize how your upbringing may have shaped your communication style, expectations, or emotional responses, you can develop better strategies for expressing your needs and understanding your partner's perspective. This fosters deeper empathy and connection within your relationship.

Building a healthier future: By confronting and understanding your family of origin issues, you can consciously choose to build a healthier future for yourself and your relationships. It empowers you to make intentional decisions, set boundaries, and establish healthy relationships that align with your values and aspirations.

How can you solve a family of origin issues?

When it comes to solving family-of-origin issues, it's vital to approach the process with patience, compassion, and a willingness to delve into the complexities of your personal history. In essence, your family of origin lays the foundation for how you navigate relationships. Awareness of these influences can help in building healthier, more fulfilling connections.

Here are some things that can help you navigate this journey of resolution:

  • Self-reflection and awareness

Take time to reflect on your family of origin experiences and their impact on your life. Engage in self-exploration to understand how those experiences have shaped your beliefs, behaviors, and patterns in relationships. 

Journaling, introspection, and therapy can be helpful tools in this process. By developing self-awareness, you can identify specific issues or triggers that need addressing.

  • Seek therapy or counseling

Professional therapy or counseling can provide a supportive and structured environment for working through family-of-origin issues. 

A certified Family & Marriage Counselor can help you navigate the complexities of your past, offering guidance, insights, and coping strategies. Jousline Savra can help. With years of experience and expertise within family dynamics, she will help you get on the road to better and healthier relationships.

She can help you process emotions, heal from past traumas, and develop healthier relationship patterns. Therapy also provides a safe space to express and explore your feelings without judgment. Jousline serves Roswell and the greater Atlanta area.

  • Practice forgiveness and acceptance

Forgiveness is a powerful tool in healing family-of-origin issues, but you should acknowledge that it is a personal journey and may take time. 

Practice forgiveness towards family members or yourself for any pain or hurt experienced. This does not mean condoning harmful behavior, but rather freeing yourself from carrying the burden of anger and resentment. 

  • Establish boundaries

Setting boundaries is essential for protecting your well-being and maintaining healthier dynamics with your family. 

Clearly define your limits and communicate them assertively and respectfully. Boundaries may involve limiting contact with toxic family members, specifying topics off-limits for discussion, or setting expectations for respectful behavior. 

It's essential to consistently reinforce these boundaries and be prepared for resistance or pushback.

  • Build a support network

Surround yourself with a network of friends, mentors, or support groups who can provide encouragement, understanding, and guidance. 

By sharing your experiences and emotions with trusted individuals who have faced similar family-of-origin issues, they can provide validation and a sense of belonging. 

Support networks can offer different perspectives, coping strategies, and resources to aid you on your resolution journey.

  • Focus on personal growth

Engaging in personal growth activities is crucial for moving forward and building a positive future. Take time for self-care practices that nurture your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. 

This can involve activities such as meditation, exercise, pursuing hobbies, or engaging in creative outlets. Continuous learning and seeking knowledge about healthy relationships and effective communication can also contribute to personal growth and positive change.

Solving family-of-origin issues is deeply personal, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. It requires self-reflection, vulnerability, and a commitment to your healing and growth. 

Be patient with yourself, seek the support you need, and embrace the transformative power of understanding and resolving family-of-origin issues.


Whether you're struggling with the impact of family-of-origin issues, communication difficulties, trust issues, or any other relationship-related concerns, Jousline can offer you tailored strategies and insights to address your specific needs. 

She can guide you toward resolving conflicts, improving communication, and fostering a deeper emotional connection in your relationship through compassionate listening, evidence-based approaches, and a non-judgmental approach. Give Jousline a call today, she is ready to join you on this journey.

Contact Information:

Jousline Savra, LMFT

1014 Canton Street
Roswell, GA 30075
United States

Jousline Savra
(626) 433-3051

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