Press Release

Achieve Your Best Smile with Help from Our Orthodontist in Martinsburg, WV
Wednesday, August 28th, 4:55 PM
Orthodontist in Martinsburg, WV - RS Orthodontics

Martinsburg, United States - August 26, 2019 /RS Orthodontics/

Are you looking for an experienced orthodontist for you or your child? If so, then you’ve come to the right place at RS Orthodontics! Our top-rated orthodontist in Martinsburg, WV offers a variety of treatments for children and adults to help you and your family smile from ear to ear with confidence.

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that all children see an orthodontist by the age of seven as this is the age when bite issues become noticeable as permanent, adult teeth begin to erupt. 

Some problems that can be caught and treated early include:

  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Extra teeth growing in
  • Abnormal jaw growth

These dental issues can happen naturally or as a result of oral habits, like thumb-sucking and mouth breathing. Early evaluation allows an orthodontic professional to assess your child’s specific needs. Our orthodontist can detect any possible anomalies on an x-ray and recommend treatment plans depending on your child’s results.


Adult Treatment Options

For our adult patients who may be concerned about the appearance of traditional braces, we offer other types of braces that are barely noticeable to preserve your self-confidence as you are treated. These options include:

  • InvisalignⓇ Clear Aligners - Custom-made plastic aligner trays are comfortable and removable. 
  • Clear Ceramic Braces - Tooth-colored braces and brackets make this option virtually invisible. 

All our patients benefit from our advanced technology - your treatment can be completed in less time with our accelerated orthodontics options! Additionally, all our treatments are backed by a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!


Get Started on Your Happy Smile - Contact Our Orthodontist in Martinsburg, WV Today

To get started on a happy, healthy smile for you or your child, call 304-944-0549 to schedule a complimentary initial appointment today! Our friendly team will answer any questions you may have about our treatments, comfort amenities, flexible payment options, and anything else you may want to know about us.

orthodontist in martinsburg wv orthodontist in martinsburg

Contact Information:

RS Orthodontics

319 Lutz Ave
Martinsburg, WV 25404
United States

Rajia Sebbahi