Family & Marriage Counselor Discusses Learning The Signs Of A Bad Relationship

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Are You In A Toxic Relationship? Roswell, GA Marriage Counselor Helps You Find Out

Roswell, United States - August 17, 2023 / Jousline Savra, LMFT /

How To Know If You Are In A Toxic Relationship? Find Out Through Marriage Counseling

Have you ever found yourself in a relationship where things just don't feel right? You know, those moments when you start questioning if something is odd or even toxic? 

Whether you're dating, married, or simply close friends with someone, it's crucial to be able to recognize when things have taken a turn for the worse. 

In this post, you will explore the telltale red flags that can help you determine whether your relationship is healthy or veering into toxic territory, and how you can uncover some of these red flags through marriage counseling.

What is a toxic relationship?

A toxic relationship is characterized by harmful dynamics and behaviors that negatively impact the well-being and happiness of one or both individuals involved. 

It is a relationship where respect, trust, and support are lacking, replaced instead by manipulation, control, and emotional or physical abuse. 

Toxic relationships can occur in various contexts, including romantic partnerships, friendships, or even within family relationships.

Sarah and Mark’s relationship 

For example, here you will see a toxic romantic relationship between Sarah and Mark. It depicts the case of several couples who have attended marriage counseling sessions.  

At the beginning of their relationship, everything seemed wonderful. They laughed together, enjoyed shared interests, and had exciting adventures. 

However, over time, Sarah noticed a shift in Mark's behavior. He became increasingly possessive and jealous, often questioning her interactions with others and attempting to control her every move. 

Whenever Sarah expressed her concerns, Mark would dismiss them, belittle her feelings, or turn the blame onto her, making her question her sanity. Gradually, Sarah found herself isolated from friends and family, as Mark insisted on being the center of her world. 

The relationship became a constant source of anxiety, sadness, and self-doubt for Sarah, leaving her feeling trapped and emotionally drained. 

Can a toxic relationship be abusive?

Yes. In fact, toxic relationships often have elements of abuse within them. Abuse can manifest in various forms, such as emotional, verbal, physical, or sexual abuse. These behaviors are not only harmful but also deeply damaging to the well-being and safety of the individuals involved.

Emotional abuse in a toxic relationship can involve constant criticism, belittling, humiliation, and manipulation. The abuser may use tactics like gaslighting to manipulate the victim into questioning their own reality or sanity. 

Verbal abuse includes insults, threats, and demeaning language, which aim to demean and control the victim. Physical abuse involves violence, such as hitting, slapping, or pushing, while sexual abuse entails non-consensual or coercive sexual acts.

Tell tale signs you are in a toxic relationship?

If you want to know whether you are in a healthy or toxic relationship, look for these signs: 

  • Toxic communication

As we all know, communication is the key to a thriving relationship. But in a toxic one, it becomes a breeding ground for negativity and hurt. 

Picture this: Every conversation seems to escalate into a shouting match or ends with hurtful insults and personal attacks. Instead of resolving issues, it feels like you're constantly walking on eggshells, fearing the next verbal blow-up. 

The toxic communication patterns may involve manipulation, defensiveness, or even stonewalling, where one or both partners shut down and refuse to engage. It becomes a toxic cycle where words are used as weapons, leaving emotional wounds that take time to heal.

  • Dishonesty

When a relationship is eroded by dishonesty, it becomes a toxic one. Imagine a scenario where you catch your partner repeatedly lying, whether it's about their actions, whereabouts, or even their feelings. 

The lies may serve to hide their true intentions, avoid taking responsibility, or control the narrative to their advantage. 

Each lie chips away at the foundation of trust, leaving you feeling betrayed and questioning the authenticity of everything they say. Honesty becomes a rarity, and the relationship loses its sense of authenticity and openness.

  • Too controlling

It is toxic if you are in a relationship where your every move is scrutinized and controlled, like in the case of Sarah and Mark above. 

Your partner could sometimes exhibit extreme possessiveness and jealousy, demanding to know where you are at all times, monitoring your phone or social media activities, and isolating you from friends and family. 

They make decisions unilaterally without considering your needs or desires; leaving you feeling suffocated and stripped of your autonomy. The controlling behavior creates an environment of fear and dependency, where your individuality is sacrificed for your dominance.

  • Stress and feeling drained

Toxic relationships can be emotionally draining and exhausting. Just envision a constant state of stress and anxiety, always on edge and anticipating the next conflict or outburst. 

The relationship becomes a battleground where you're constantly navigating through power struggles, walking on emotional eggshells to avoid triggering your partner's anger or displeasure. 

The negative energy seeps into other aspects of your life, impacting your overall well-being, productivity, and mental health. You may feel physically exhausted, emotionally depleted, and trapped in a cycle of negativity.

  • Resentment

In a toxic relationship, unresolved conflicts and mistreatment breed resentment. Picture this: Every disagreement is swept under the rug instead of being addressed and resolved. 

The hurtful words, the unmet needs, and the patterns of mistreatment accumulate over time, creating a simmering cauldron of bitterness. Resentment becomes a silent companion, poisoning the relationship and preventing true healing and growth. 

It becomes increasingly difficult to find joy or connection when resentment taints every interaction, leaving you feeling trapped in a cycle of unresolved pain.

  • Envy

Imagine being in a relationship where jealousy and envy are constant companions. Instead of celebrating each other's successes and accomplishments, one partner feels threatened by the other's achievements. 

For example, if you get a promotion at work, your partner responds with passive-aggressive comments or attempts to downplay your success. They may exhibit competitive behavior, constantly comparing themselves to you or trying to one-up your achievements. 

This toxic dynamic of envy breeds resentment and creates unhealthy competition, hindering mutual support and fostering a toxic environment.

  • Destroys your self-esteem

In a toxic relationship, your self-esteem can take a significant blow. In this case, your partner constantly criticizes and belittles you, pointing out your flaws and weaknesses. 

They may mock your dreams or goals, undermining your confidence and making you doubt your abilities. Over time, these negative messages internalize, and you start to view yourself through their distorted lens. 

Your self-esteem plummets, and you may even question your worthiness of love and respect. It becomes challenging to maintain a positive self-image when the person you care about most constantly undermines your confidence.

  • Insecurity

Toxic relationships often breed insecurity, creating a constant state of doubt and uncertainty. This happens when your partner's actions or words consistently trigger feelings of anxiety or self-doubt. 

They may flirt with others in front of you, dismiss your concerns, or withhold affection as a means of control. These actions create a toxic cycle of seeking validation and fearing abandonment. 

You become hyper-aware of your every move, constantly second-guessing yourself and feeling like you're never "enough" for your partner. The toxic dynamics of the relationship exacerbate your insecurities, making it challenging to trust yourself or your partner's intentions.

  • The future looks pale

It is toxic if you are feeling stuck in a relationship that drains your energy, stifles your growth, and hampers your happiness. The toxicity casts a shadow over your aspirations and dreams. 

Instead of feeling excited about what lies ahead, you feel trapped and pessimistic. The toxic patterns and behaviors have overshadowed any sense of a shared vision or mutual growth. 

It becomes challenging to envision a future filled with love, support, and fulfillment when the toxicity of the present consumes your thoughts and emotions. This is the time that you should seek marriage counseling with your significant other.

How to fix a toxic relationship

Here are some things you can do to fix a toxic relationship: 

Confront the toxicity head-on: Acknowledge the presence of toxic patterns and behaviors within the relationship. Take an honest look at how they are impacting your well-being and the overall dynamic. Facing the truth is the first step toward initiating positive change.

Foster open and compassionate communication: Create a safe space for open dialogue with your partner. Encourage active listening and understanding. Avoid blame and focus on expressing your feelings and needs. Cultivate empathy and seek to understand their perspective as well. Healthy communication is the foundation for rebuilding a solid connection.

Establish and reinforce boundaries: Boundaries are crucial for creating a healthier dynamic. Clearly define your boundaries and communicate them to your partner. Respect each other's boundaries and ensure they are upheld. Boundaries act as safeguards for your emotional well-being and promote mutual respect.

Invest in self-care and personal growth: Prioritize self-care and personal development. Engage in tasks that bring you joy and help you reconnect with yourself. Nurturing yourself empowers you to contribute positively to the relationship.

Seek professional guidance: Consider seeking professional help from marriage counselors specializing in relationship dynamics. They can provide unbiased insights, tools, and strategies to navigate the challenges and foster a healthier connection. 

Call Jousline Savra, LMFT, Family & Marriage Counseling

Are you currently struggling with the complexities of a toxic relationship? Jousline understands how challenging and emotionally draining it can be. 

Through her expertise and experience in marriage counseling, she can assist you in navigating the complexities, identifying unhealthy patterns, and empowering you to build healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

Remember, seeking help is a brave step towards reclaiming your well-being and happiness. Call Jousline today and get on the path to a healthier relationship today.

Contact Information:

Jousline Savra, LMFT

1014 Canton Street
Roswell, GA 30075
United States

Jousline Savra
(626) 433-3051

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