Go Green and Save Money With Tankless Water Heaters

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Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 9:05am UTC

Plumbers in Dallas, TX, discuss tankless water heaters and their benefits.

Dallas, United States - March 27, 2023 / Reeves Family Plumbing /

Understanding Tankless Water Heaters

If homeowners are looking for ways to save energy and money around their homes, then they need not look further than investing in a tankless water heater. A tankless unit can reduce the cost of heating water while taking up much less space in a home's basement or utility closet.

With virtually endless hot water on demand, energy-efficient components, and an average lifespan of 20 years (nearly twice as long as standard storage water heaters), switching to a tankless system couldn’t be easier –– it'll pay for itself in savings over time! Read on to learn more about going green with a tankless water heater.

When is it Time to Replace an Old Water Heater?

showerReplacing a water heater isn’t something that most homeowners can do on a whim. Due to the cost of installing a new water heater, it is best to wait until the current water heater is ready to give out before deciding on a new system. Some of the signs to replace the water heater are:

  • The current water heater has outlived its warranty or is over 8 years old
  • Repairs have become more frequent
  • Corrosion has occurred
  • Leaks around the tank
  • Inadequate supply of hot water

When these problems arise, it's time to start thinking about a new unit. Why not consider upgrading to a tankless water heater?

How Does a Tankless Water Heater Work?

A tankless water heater is an energy-efficient alternative to traditional storage water heaters. Instead of relying on a large tank filled with heated water, as a traditional model does, tankless water heaters use heating elements that are activated when hot water is needed. This process saves energy by only heating the amount of hot water necessary for each use.

Tankless water heaters are also called instantaneous or demand-type water heaters, as they provide hot water on demand rather than storing it until needed. This means that there is no preheating of the tank and no standby energy loss since there is no tank to constantly keep heated. The tankless heater will only begin to heat the water when a hot water faucet is opened. Once the hot water demand stops, so does the heating.

Benefits of Upgrading to a Tankless Water Heater

saveHere are a few of the benefits of tankless water heaters:

  • Smaller Design: Saves room by removing the need for a hot water tank.
  • Endless Hot Water: There is no recovery rate since water is heated on demand. This means hot water flows as long as it is needed.
  • Better Efficiency: Tankless water heaters don’t waste energy keeping water hot on standby. This makes them an eco-friendly choice.
  • Lower Utility Bills: Whether the water heater is gas or electric, it will use far less energy than a conventional model. This saves money on utility bills.

About Reeves Family Plumbing

Reeves Family Plumbing is a family-owned and operated business serving Dallas and the surrounding communities. They provide 24-hour emergency services, prompt arrivals, and free estimates. Call them today for tankless water heater installation in Dallas, TX.

Contact Information:

Reeves Family Plumbing

13328 Bee St
Dallas, TX 75234
United States

Lori Barenfeld
(972) 247-3763

Original Source: https://www.reevesfamilyplumbing.com/press-releases